"Come to the waters all you who thirst" (Isaiah 55:1)
Join a parish that is on fire! Our strong family is joined together in love of God and commitment to life in Christ. When you join Saint Mark's as an official parishioner, you become a member of a strong family that will walk with you at every step of your journey to God. You will always find a home here!
Learn more about how to take the next step and become a part of the Church of Saint Mark.
The Church of Saint Mark is one strong family united in Christ, the King of kings and Source of Life.
United with our bishops and guided by the Holy Spirit, The Church of Saint Mark always strives to joyfully accomplish God's will for our community and our neighbors.
There is room for everyone in our family: children, youth, and adults of all ages. Come and be part of this strong family united in Christ!
Begin the process of registration at the Parish Center, or online by filling out and submitting the following two forms.
Electronic Funds Transfer is a convenient and paper-less way to make your contributions to the Church of Saint Mark. With your permission, your church offering will be transferred each month by your financial institution directly to Saint Mark's bank account.