We are thrilled by your interest in Saint Mark's Preschool!
We know that by enrolling your student at St. Mark's, you are making an investment in your child education. We are here to make sure that you receive the value you and your child deserve.
Registration for the 2025-2026 year opens Feb. 01!​​
To apply for summer 2025, go here.
Are you ready to register your student? Contact our Preschool, at (651) 644-5030, or by email at preschool@onestrongfamily.org. Our curriculum is designed for children ages 33 months to 5 years.
Already registered? Be sure to visit our resources page for supply lists and necessary forms.
Full-Day Tuition
The full-day curriculum runs from 8:30 AM - 2:45 PM.
Full-Day tuition includes child care from 7:00 - 8:30 AM, and from 2:45 - 6: 00 PM.
2 full days/week = $443/month = $3987/year -3 yr old room only
3 full day/week =$659/month = $ 5936/year
4 full days/week = $879/month =$ 7914/year
5 full days/week= $ 1094/month = $9846/year
Half-Day Tuition
The half-day curriculum runs from 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM.
Half-Day tuition includes child care from 7:00 AM - 8:30 AM.
2 half days/week = $229/month = $2057/year - 3 yr old room only
3 half days/week = $344/month =$ 3095/year
4 half days/week = $466/month = 4191/year
5 half days/week = $571/month = $5143/year
There is a registration fee of $100 per child for both full- and half-day programs.