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_Pic by Religious of Pro Ecclesia Sancta



Because children are naturally curious, our core curriculum, called “Creative Curriculum,” is designed to encourage your child’s emotional and social growth by leveraging his or her own natural curiosity and creativity. We encourage meaningful, hands-on learning at every opportunity.


Our mission is to work in partnership with families to cultivate children as whole persons, who demonstrate respect for oneself and others. We emphasize life-long learners and school-readiness.


Our curriculum is designed for children ages 33 months to 5 years.


Have a question about our curriculum? Feel free to reach out:


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Childcare is offered from 7:00 - 8:30 AM, and from 2:45 - 6:00 PM.


7:00-8:30 am ... Morning care and intentional play

8:30-8:40 am ... Circle Time

This is when we meet as a whole group for a morning greeting song.

We introduce a new skill and read a book.

8:45-9:00 am ... Morning Snack

We sit as a group and have a snack.

This is also a great time for kids to socialize and get to know each other.  

9:00-10:10 am ... Core Curriculum

At this time, the children are able to choose from certain centers in the room where they can explore Creative Curriculum concepts we have introduced to the class.  The centers change every unit  as we want the children to have a great variety of learning experiences. The centers are writing, book corner, dramatic play, science, religion, blocks, art, math, and sensory table.

10:10-10:40 am ... Large Muscle Time

Play on the playground or in the gym

10:45-11:30 am ... Specialists

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Music, STEM, Art, or Gym

11:40 am - 12:20 pm ... Lunch

12:30-2:00 pm
... Nap Time

2:00-2:25 pm ... Wake up, bathroom break, wash hands

2:30 pm ... Snack

2:45 - 6:00 pm ... Child Care

Playground, Gym, Stations, Music, Art

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