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2023 "Rebuild Our Church" Appeal

Updated: Dec 20, 2023

By year end, with a special second collection Sun. Dec. 24! Donations can also be made at

Update 12/20: Thanks to a generous parishioner, donations made will be matched dollar for dollar (up to $10,000)!

A second update 12/20: Additional thanks to another generous parishioner who has pledged an additional dollar for dollar match (up to $5,000)! So that's $15,000 matching!!


The following is from Fr. David, and was included in the mailing of St. Mark's Christmas cards.

I know what you are thinking:  what can I give to the parish that has everything this Christmas?
Well, while it’s true we are awash in spiritual riches, heirs as we are to the Faith of the Apostles, the Gift of the Spirit, the Communion of Saints, and custodians of the Body and Blood of Jesus, we don’t actually have everything. In fact, we are in great need of many things!
One glaring need that we plan to address after the New Year is to restore the crumbling plaster of the interior west wall in the church. Now that we have addressed the water infiltration issues that were at the root of the problem, we need to renew that portion of our beautiful church and make it once again worthy of the House of God. The project will cost approximately $30,000. As Jesus called His poor friend Francis to help rebuild His Church, so I, your poor pastor, call you to help us do the same, beginning with this portion of the space in which we are made members of His Body. Therefore, trusting in the generosity of our parishioners and friends, I invite you to make an end of the year gift to St. Mark’s 2023  “Rebuild Our Church” Appeal.
Honored to serve as your pastor and grateful for your love for the Lord and this parish, 
Fr. David Hottinger, PES

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