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  • Writer's pictureChurch of St. Mark

Holy Kids Camp (Sign up by Jun 12!)

Updated: 25 minutes ago

Aug 7 - 10, preschoolers - grade 5 are invited to "Holy Kids Camp", a wonderful three-day camp run by our very own Pro Ecclesia Sancta religious!

The camp will run 9:00 AM - Noon Aug 7-9, and there will be "family day" celebration Aug 10, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM!

Included with registration is the Saturday meal provided for parents and children, a T-shirt, snacks, and all materials needed for camp activities, games and crafts!!

Payment can be made below for


If you’ve registered your kids, fill this out!

If you’ve registered your kids but not paid, do that!

(scroll down to see the HKC Sign Up button or bring cash or a check to the parish center!)

And if you’re volunteering and need childcare, make sure to fill out this!

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