8:45 - 11:45 AM | Carolyn Hall
Engaged couples and married couples of all ages
are invited to a MERCy Retreat on Saturday, April 13,
titled “Apostle of the Apostles: An Easter Retreat on St Mary
Magdalene.” The retreat will be held in Carolyn Hall, from
8:45 - 11:45 AM.
St Mary Magdalene was a sinner like all of us, washed in
the merciful love of the Lord. His love for her filled her
with a great love for him, and Christ chose this woman to
tell his apostles the Good News of the Resurrection. For
this reason, she is called the “Apostle of the Apostles.”
There are many lessons from her life for us as married
couples, and through her example and intercession we can
become more joyful and committed witnesses to the Risen
Lord for our family, friends and coworkers.