Join us online and in spirit for the following Holy Week Liturgies, all of which can be watched live on our website.
Mass (live-stream) at 9 AM
Confession and palm pick-up, 10 AM - 12 PM
Mass of the Lord’s Supper (live-stream) at 7 PM
Ring bells during the Gloria!
Stations of the Cross (live-stream) at 3 PM
Passion Service (live-stream) at 7 PM
Mass of the Easter Vigil (live-stream) at 9PM
Have candles ready at home for the Service of Light and bells to ring at the Gloria!
Easter Morning Mass (live-stream) 9 AM

The sisters of Pro Ecclesia Sancta have collected timely, spiritually-valuable readings and videos to help you make the most of your free time during Holy Week, with recommendations both for adults and families with children. This collection includes content for each day of Holy Week, and is entirely free to access.

Following the Easter Sunday Mass, the priests of the Church of St. Mark will bring Our Lord to our neighborhood in a Eucharistic procession. Those living on the proposed route are encouraged to greet the procession from their front windows or yards. Those living nearby are encouraged to wait in their cars, either in our Church parking lot, or parked safely along the proposed route. Those without vehicles are welcome to greet the procession along the proposed route, though we ask that you do not congregate in groups, and that you maintain a distance of at least six feet from others and from the passing procession.
Proposed route: From the Church, the procession will proceed West on Dayton to Wilder, North on Wilder to Iglehart, East to Howell, South to Portland, West to Cleveland, North to Selby, East to Howell, North to Dayton, and then West toward our parking lot,where there will be a final blessing before heading back to Church. The procession is crossing the line of departure at 10:20 AM.