Accompany Jesus this Holy Week by using the following resources for each day!
Access all materials on FORMED can be accessed for free using our Parish Coder: XPDYVT
Activities for children for each day of Holy Week here.
Craft for every day of Holy Week for young children here.
Palm Sunday
Prepare a Prayer Corner for your home so that you are able to participate in the Holy Week liturgies and to take some extra time of prayer during this very holy week.
Make a plan for the week and see what time Masses will be streaming online.
Click here for a great guide for setting up your prayer corner!
Begin to enter into the Paschal Mystery by learning more about Lent and Holy Week.
Movie night!
For families with children: watch this movie about Joseph together and then talk about the similarities between Joseph and Jesus.
For adults: Video on the Jewish roots of Holy Week
Today is unofficially known as Spy Wednesday, named for the day Judas took action to betray Jesus.
Adults: Learn from Judas’ mistakes with this video
Activity for kids (see video on the page)
Celebrate the gift of the Eucharist and the Priesthood. Learn more about the Eucharist. Then take some time to pray. Tell God how grateful you are for God’s presence among us in the Eucharist. Take a moment also to pray for all priests, for the graces they need to be faithful and generous pastors of the flocks entrusted to them.
On this very holy day on which Jesus died for us, consider making an offering to give up technology in order to focus on the great love of God for you (except, of course, the technology that will help you participate in the Stations of the Cross, Good Friday service, resources below, etc).
For adults: Learn more here about Divine Mercy Chaplet
Being to pray the Divine Mercy Novena here
For older kids, watch this video on the life of Jesus
Hopeful waiting--a disposition of heart. Reflect on how you as a family can patiently wait in joyful hope for the Resurrection of Jesus? What would Mary and the disciples have done?
Article for parents
Consider some of these family activities to prepare our hearts and homes for the joy of Easter.
Celebrate the resurrection of the Lord!
Learn to pray the “Regina Coeli”.
Listen to it here
For kids, watch this video
Octave of Easter
Enjoy this time of great celebration; reflect on the spiritual progress you made during Lent, and make a resolution ton continue to grow in love for Our Lord.
Practice Lectio Divina with one of the resurrection narratives.
Pray the “Stations of Light”