LENT 2024
Here's what's on the horizon for this holy season.

Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 14th. Mass at 7 AM, 10 AM, and 6 PM. This is an obligatory day of fasting and abstinence for Catholics.

Lenten Penance Services at Emmaus
Thursday, March 21 at 7 PM in the Church. Held during our Parish Holy Hour. Prepare your heart for Easter during these evenings of Adoration, Confession, Benediction, and Song.

Friday Soup Suppers & Speaker Series
Soup Suppers begin at 5:30 PM in Carolyn Hall. "Blessed are the Merciful: Conforming our Hearts to the Heart of the Savior," our Speaker Series, begins at 6:00 PM.
Our dates and speakers
February 16: “Understanding the Works of Mercy”
Faith Pawl, PhD
February 23: “Works of Mercy in the Law and Prophets”
Paul Niskanen, PhD
March 1: “Mercy and Devotion to the Sacred Heart”
Fr. David Hottinger, P.E.S
March 8: “The Spirit of Mercy in the Early Church”
Fr. Austin Litke, O.P., PhD
March 15: “Mercy in the New Testament”
Colin Miller, PhD

Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross and Confessions are held in the Church every Friday at 7 PM.

CRS Rice Bowls
This Lent, the greater St. Mark's community is being invited to participate in Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl. Pray and offer sacrifices as families along with the greater St. Mark's family for an outsized way to bring everyone into a more rich and fruitful Lent.

Fish Fry
Friday, March 22nd in the School Cafeteria (5:00 - 7:00 PM). Lent is penitential, but that doesn't mean it's joyless. Join your parish family for great food and fellowship.

40 Days for Life
St Mark’s, along with Nativity of Our Lord, is adopting two days of prayer vigil outside Planned Parenthood (Feb. 28 and Mar. 23) during the Lenten Season as part of the national 40 Days for Life campaign. Our priests will be leading an hour of prayer at Planned Parenthood, 1:00 PM on Mar. 3.
The kick-off dinner (Tuesday February 13th, 6 - 8:00 PM) will be held at Davanni's in St. Paul on White Bear Avenue. Attend and please lend your support by contacting Karen McCann at 612-964-4522 or email at karenmccann3@gmail.com.

Small Groups During Lent
They're not Lenten Small Groups, but we are having small groups during Lent! There's a group for all adults in the parish, which is fitting because the vision we are striving toward is every Catholic in a small group!

Feel like you're on a Lenten pilgrimage!
Looking to engage with a pilgrim's journey through the Masses of Lent? Check out Exodus & Exile, from the St. Paul Center! Two titans of theology, Scott Hahn and John Bergsma, will walk you through, via daily videos, the Sunday and daily readings, respectively!