If you haven't got up close and personal to the adoration chapel windows, you may not have realized that they were in need of some TLC (though, you may have seen that golf-ball-sized-hole cracked one).
We are endeavoring to replace all the storm windows that protect our stained glass windows, throughout the church. By late September we are anticipating the windows being back in place (and hopefully experiencing an even brighter chapel)!
But this project is a bit more extensive than originally anticipated. The supports for the glass aren't expected to last forever, and the windows themselves need some care, for reasons of health (making sure we're not breathing in harmful dust), as well as structural integrity, and averting more expenses (windows were losing heat), etc.
Windows aren’t cheap (nor are they getting cheaper): and this particular line item is significantly larger than originally budgeted-for. We're looking at an estimate $73,530 compared to our budgeted $19,420.
if you’ve got a passion for our “Rebuild Our Church” projects, or you want a bit of a special experience when next you adore in our beloved chapel, in its refurbished window glory, then consider giving to the cause below (select the Church Restoration Fund)!