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Our new pastoral leadership

Writer's picture: Church of St. MarkChurch of St. Mark

Please read the following very important announcement from our shepherd (Fr. Humberto - emphasis added)! And please note Fr. David will be on retreat this week.

Summer is the season of change for clergy.

I am writing to let you know of a change for St Mark's that will go into effect July 1st. I have asked Archbishop Hebda to appoint Fr David as the new Pastor of the Church of Saint Mark. I will remain as part of the leadership team of the parish (officially as an "associate pastor") and will mentor Fr David as he adjusts to his new role as Pastor. I will continue to be very much involved in day to day life at the parish.

As you may know, I serve as the provincial superior for Pro Ecclesia Sancta. This means that I am a mentor of sorts for each of the PES communities in the local churches where we now serve in the United States: this Archdiocese, Sacramento, Sioux Falls, and now Detroit. With Fr David as Pastor at St Mark's, I will have more time to devote to my duties as provincial superior.

I have complete confidence in Fr David's abilities and strengths. He will be an excellent pastor for St Mark's and will serve the parish in prayerful and thoughtful ways. I want to assure you that I am going to remain present and active at St Mark's - this is my parish family!

In some parishes, the change of pastor might bring with it a change in charism or focus. But at St Mark's, Pro Ecclesia Sancta will remain at the heart of who we are as a parish, which means that you can expect that we will continue to build on our strong foundations under Fr David's leadership.

Fr David's appointment as Pastor was announced to the parish this weekend, as we celebrated Pentecost Sunday. Please remember him in your prayers. Come Holy Spirit!

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