After a conversation with our ushers and clergy, and after carefully reviewing attendance over the past month, parish leadership has determined that St. Mark's will no longer require that households sign up prior to attending Mass.
Resources from the Arch:
Resources from the CDC:
Notable Safety Measures Begin Taken at St. Mark's:
Public health recommendations require that we hold Masses at limited capacity. PRIOR SIGN UP IS NOT REQUIRED.
Those attending the Mass must maintain social distancing. To this end, we've taped off the pews to ensure that all "households" in attendance remain well over six feet from each other.
All pews are thoroughly cleaned following the Mass.
We ask that all members of our Parish Family over 2 years old wear a mask during Mass, per CDC and Archdiocesan guidelines.
Sanitize your hands before entering Church, and before receiving Communion. We'll have sanitizer available in the Church, though you are welcome to bring your own.
We will refrain from congregational singing.
Follow all usher instructions, and respect posted information.
Communion will be distributed to each "household" after the conclusion of Mass. Follow usher instructions during Communion.
Those distributing Communion will be wearing face masks. They will sanitize their hands before distributing the Blessed Sacrament, and any time they come into direct physical contact with a recipient.
We encourage you to sanitize your hands before receiving Communion. In the interest of public health, we encourage those receiving Communion to consider receiving in the hand.
In order to prevent groups from forming, all foot traffic will be one-directional. For Mass and Confession, enter through the south doors, and exit out the north doors. Even if you intend to reenter the Church after Confession, please exit out the north doors and re-enter through the south doors.
If you are sick, stay home.
Please note that the Sunday obligation remains suspended. If the prospect of attending a large Mass makes you nervous, consider attending a Daily Mass, which typically see smaller congregations. If you feel attending Mass might put you or others at risk, please stay home. We will continue to stream our 9 AM Sunday Mass.