Christmas Liturgies (Dec 24 - 25)
Saturday, December 24
4:30 pm - Vigil Mass of the Nativity of Our Lord
Sunday, December 25
12:00am - Midnight Mass of the Nativity of Our Lord (with Choir)
10:00am - Mass During the Day of the Nativity of Our Lord
No scheduled confessions Saturday or Sunday
The Week of the Octave (Dec 26 - 31)
9:30 am Tues-Friday - Confessions
10:00 am Mon-Friday - Daily Mass of the Christmas Octave
7:00 pm Thursday - Holy Hour for the Vigil of the Holy Family (Confessions available)
8:00am Saturday - Mass
Mary, Mother of God (Dec 31 - Jan 1)
Saturday, December 31 (New Year’s Eve)
3:30 pm - Confessions
5:00 pm - Vigil Mass of Mary, Mother of God
Sunday, January 1 (New Year’s Day)
9 & 11 am - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God