Confirmation Mass w/ Archbishop Hebda (April 17)
Our Confirmation students will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this Satruday, April 17, during the 5 PM Mass. We're thrilled to...
Confirmation Mass w/ Archbishop Hebda (April 17)
Coffee & Donuts
Baby Item Drive (May)
Holy Week
"SacréCore" Fitness (Tuesdays)
CCW Spring Rummage Sale Cancelled
Morning of Reflection (March 13)
Fridays in Lent (2021)
Lenten Bible Study (Wednesdays)
Mary, Mother of God (Jan 1)
Adoration Chapel Holiday Hours
Advent Organ Recital (Video)
In-Person, Non-Liturgical Events Suspended
Neighborhood Outreach Ministry
40 Hours for our Nation (Nov 1-3)
High School Ignite (Oct 24)
Appalachia Mission Collection (October)
CCW Advent Candle Sale